A State of Bliss (April 2020)

A State of Bliss (April 2020)

It’s been a little while since we’ve shared the inner workings of our team with you all, so we thought we’d set this blog off right and bring back these posts 😉

There’s been a lot of changes under the hood, as well as a few new paint jobs added to Bliss since our last ASOB post. We’ve updated the websites with some new content, adding a docs section to both sites, a BlissROMs stats page & Bliss OS stats page, and revamping the Bliss OS site with Bliss-Bot upgrades that allow it to help in more ways than just providing somewhat legible sentences. It can now answer a bunch of FAQ’s, and even supply the common download links for not just Bliss OS, but many of the devices supported through BlissROMs as well.

Speaking of BlissROMs, we also added a maintainers section to both websites. Check the team tab to see their glorious avatars, and if you are a device developer and want to get your builds that Official status, we’ve also moved to a new way of handling maintainers too. Please head over to https://blissroms.com/maintainers/ to check that out.

As for how Bliss has been doing as an organization, we’ve restructured recently to better enable the various parts of Bliss to communicate a little better, and not have so many people spread out across the various branches of Bliss. Just like our current social distancing measures we’re all getting used to in real life, the move for Bliss has been a hard move for some and an easy move for others, but we’re definitely doing everything we can to make the experience a bit more blissful 😉

Now, what about Bliss OS? Well, Bliss OS is still going strong. We’ve pushed out a few updates for Bliss OS 11.x (Android 9) and have been working on getting proper 32-bit builds going again. On the Bliss OS 12.x (Android 10) front, we’ve had a few more bugs pop up, but are well on our way to getting those fixed up and working better than ever. And some new news for everyone out there, we’ve already started working on bringing Android 11 to PC’s and will start posting more about that project as time goes. So far, we have things building as a generic .iso and booting in a vm. It’s so exciting to dive in and get things like this working with our PC hardware. Due to the higher than usual learning curve when it comes to the x86/x86_64 side of things, we are always looking for contributors on the Bliss OS side of things. So find us on Telegram if you are interested in learning more about contributing towards Bliss OS.

So that wraps up this month’s “A State of Bliss” post! If you haven’t checked it out yet, please visit Eric’s “Updates” post for more detailed information regarding changes to BlissRoms and have a great rest of the week!

– Jon (@electrikjesus)