Hello everyone! Here is this month’s worth of updates.
This week, we’re releasing BlissRoms v14.6. Here’s the full changelog:
- Merged August Security Patch
- Moved battery percentage to the left side of battery icon
- Improved FOD and make it better
- Improved face unlock
- Revamped the Settings UI
- RGB Accenter added
- Added a host of volume panels
- Introduce Android S Clock
- Add CPU Info and FPS Info overlay
- Lockscreen weather improvements
- Removed IORAP and Zygote
- Switch to Hastebin to upload crash logs
- Added LiveDisplay Support
- Added anti-flicker tile
- Reboot/Recovery QS Tile added
- Improvements to FOD and screenshot options
- Added QS Header and Customizations
- Opacity added to power menu, QS and notification background
- Added Qs Header size
- Redesigned media player to s style
- Add simple fade filter to the media artwork
- Improve volumedialog implementation
- Improve Qs panel Replace media notification background with artwork
- Add Android 12 shapeshift clock
- Added back theme utils
- Added Pulse Music Visualizer
- Added support for Signature Spoofing
- Add new QS Headers
- Add toggle to hide lock icon on lockscreen
- Introduce Keyguard Weather Styles
- Added Previews for FOD, Themes, Fonts
- Added AboutBliss
- Several under-the-hood optimizations
We also fixed the following bugs:
- Fixed battery text view
- Fixed NavBar Styles
- Fixed AppLock issues
- Fixed 3 finger screenshot bug
- Fixed S clocks
- Fixed Settings scrolling bug
- Fix qs footer and media layout
- Miscellaneous fixes
With this release, we support the following devices:
- Asus ROG 3 (obiwan)
- Redmi Note 7 Pro (violet)
- Mi 9T (davinci)
Unfortunately, starting from this release these devices are no longer supported. No builds will be available for the following devices:
- Redmi Note 5 / Redmi 5 Plus (vince)
If any maintainers are willing to support these devices, please review the requirements apply for our maintainership program.
That’s all for this week! Happy flashing!