Hello everyone! Here is this month’s worth of updates.
This week, we’re releasing BlissRoms Arcadia v15.6 The changelog is the following:
- Merged June Security Patch
- Pixel specific features
- QS Footer customizations
- Google Sound search tile
- Privacy indicator fixes
- Toggle for camera/mic privacy indicator
- Clock auto-hiding
- Statusbar Logo customization
- One shot auto-brightness
- Wifi timeout feature
- Bluetooth timeout feature
- UDFPS Icons and Animations
- User selectable UDFPS Icons
- UDFPS pressed color
- Always on display scheduling
- Auto AOD Service customizations
- Hiding Notification headers
- Three finger gesture improvements
- Reticker Feature
- Media notification background customizations
- Lockscreen album art filter
- Data saver icon
- Lockscreen media artwork blur level
- Navbar styles customizations
- Bluetooth battery level toggle
- Pulse customizations
- Edge lighting customizations
- Ambient Edge Pulse style
- Ambient Pulse light customizations
- Brighness slider customizations
- Pixel specific customizations
- Lockscreen charging improvements
- Monet customizations
- Add support for displaying Volte icon
- Volte icon toggle
- VoWifi Icons customization
- Custom vibration patterns
- SystemUI Improvements
- Screen off FOD
- App Hiding from Launcher
- Battery charge warning
- Hide statusbar clock on lockscreen
- OOS Style notifications clearall button
- Faceunlock animations
- Show daily data usage in QS footer
- MAC Address firewall
- LS Clock customizations
- Optional IME Button space
- Allow to hide arrow for back gesture
- VPN Tile
- Fixed Blissify icon alignment
- Updated default wallpaper (Thanks to RogerT)
- Settings Optimizations
- Misc improvements and bug fixes
With this release, we are excited to announce support for following devices:
Asus ROG 2 (I001D)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e (gts4lv | gts4lvwifi)
Sadly following devices are dropped from Official Status
Redmi Note 10 (Mojito)
If anyone would like to maintain BlissRoms for their devices then kindly apply for it using this link https://maintainers.blissroms.org
That’s it for this month! Happy flashing!