Hello everyone! Here is this month’s worth of updates.
This week, we’re releasing BlissRoms Typhoon v16.6 The changelog is the following:
- Merged with March QPR2 and April SP
- AboutBliss Updated to v2.1.0
- Parallel Space
- LS Charging Info
- Statusbar Battery Styles
- Monet Customization
- UDFPS Icons and Animation
- Reticker customization
- AOD Scheduling
- Cycle through ringer modes
- Biometric customization
- GameSpace
- Screen off FOD
- Pocket Mode
- Wifi Standard Icons
- Battery Charge warning
- Battery Bar Customizations
- Network Traffic
- Volume Panel location
- 3 Finger Swipe Screenshot
- Window ignore secure option
- Black Theme Support
- Volume Rocker wake
- Volume key music control
- Allow disabling clipboard overlay
- Brightness Slider customization
- UDFPS Haptic customization
- Toast icon
- Privacy Indicators
- Statusbar Clock customization
- LS Media Art customization
- Screen off Animation
- QS Tiles animations
- QS Tile Haptic feedback
- High touch polling rate
- Power Menu Animations
- Power Menu Transparency
- Refresh Rate control
- QS Pull down with 1 finger
- Wake on plug
- AOD On charging only
- Hide Gestural nav bar
- Hide nav bar under screen keyboard
- Inceasing ring feature
- Incall vibration
- Volume key cursor control
- Themed Icons Support
- Basic Launcher Customization
- Minimal Gapps support
- Various Optimizations
- Icon upgrades
- Font Customizations
- Updated AOSP Dialer, Messages and Clock
- Addition of Jelly Browser
- Misc Improvements and Fixes
If anyone would like to maintain BlissRoms for their devices then kindly apply for it using this link https://forms.gle/LkRgFXzpH1hZLmXD7
That’s it for this month! Happy flashing! #StayBlissful #FeelTheWind🌪